Monday, November 9, 2009

Made it! 23 Things Learned from Learning 2.0

This has been an exciting journey for the entire class. Many of us started off with such apprehension and anxiety over many of the topics. I remember at the onset of Learning 23 Things the most popular fear among the class was actually putting ourselves 'out-there' on-line and the things we thought were going to happen to our identities, pictures, etc. The last three exercises seemed simple in the end when looking in the rear view mirror of the project. YouTube downloads, Podcast downloads to blogline, and downloading a book from the public library NO PROBLEM...Compared to RSS feeds and Flickr a few months back we are now proficient in so many different areas. For me the fear of trying a new program or application is gone. And the most important part of the entire exercise was to have fun. I still can't believe that I transposed my head onto Rodney Dangerfield's body when he was doing the Triple Lindey in the movie "Back to School." I plan on re-visiting this website at least once every six months to keep my skills sharp. I am a fan of NPR's podcast. Ones that I browsed on from the topics section that were made by people I did not know, I found that I was having a hard time appreciating them because I was unsure of their validity. My latest hurdle to overcome. Any please feed my fish here on the blog whenever you feel like it. See you in class.

1 comment:

  1. John, this comment makes my day: "For me the fear of trying a new program or application is gone."

    Bravo! good job! and thanks for sharing all of YOUR fears/anxieties/experiences and successes along the way!
